Chocolate brown and gold ambient, misty light, through majestic kings of the glade.
Original size: 24 X 36 inches (61 X 91 cm)
Oil on canvas
This is one of few paintings I couldn't part with, as it has special significance to me.
I've stepped inside it 3 times in visions and met one on one with Jesus Christ, which have all been life-changing encounters.
Why He chose this painting to meet me in I can't say for sure, but I can tell you there's a small, crystal clear pond below an equally small waterfall that trickles from 2/3rds up a 7-8ft rock, a little way past the trees you see. And further on, there's a gentle incline to a golden-grassed hilltop, that gives one a view over the vast forest canopy as far as the eye can see. In the trees, it sometimes rains transparent-gold raindrops that are warm to the skin, but don't wet your clothes, and monarch butterflies flutter here and there in the stillness, catching light on their wings.
But Jesus Himself is always the star of my encounters.
A little far fetched for some I imagine, but you get to believe or not.
Whatever this painting means to you, I hope its equally significant.